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The emerging of digital technology brings us up to a new aspect, where electronic devices connect people, workers with machines, and machines with machines. The prominent roles of digitalization through digitalization are reducing setup time and cost, improving the efficiency, and leading to new forms of economy or business. Hence, digitalization primary driver of economic growth and facilitates job creation. On the other hand, new and emerging digital technologies disrupt traditional views of what it means to work and cause a more massive global work revolution. Therefore, the new digital economy's first causality is workers with the lowest education and skill level.
In addition, more than 50% Indonesia’s workers are located in urban areas due to the urban premium wages in this region. Another situation in Indonesia is experiencing the demographic dividend in the automated digital era. Hence, urban area has the big role of preventing the unemployment and boost the economic growth. In fact, the rising of urban residents has not been balanced with the population's readiness with the percussion situation, education level, and skills that needed in recently era.
Undoubtedly, Java as a populated island in Indonesia also as economic concentration activities. The center of economic in this island is located in two metropolitan area, namely, Jakarta and Surabaya. Meanwhile, the diversity characteristic of those areas would present difference situation in labor market, knowledge spillover, economic concentration and etc. Hypothetically, urban density or employment dense also followed by expanding productivity and innovation, high salary, developing access to goods and services, allows broader sharing of scarce urban amenities and etc. Otherwise, density also creates vast hazards such as poverty and inequality, imply that density also has downsides.
Additionally, Indonesia's demographic conditions are currently undergoing a demographic transition, marked by a decline in birth rates and a decrease in mortality rate. The population's ongoing transition slowly changed the Indonesian population's face by shifting the population's age structure. The proportion of young people is declining, the ratio of the working-age population is increasing rapidly, and the proportion of the elderly population is moving up slowly. Hence, Indonesia's current population is relatively young and has a bonus demographic condition. The excess labor supply that occurs will have a positive impact, on the other hands, it can also be harmful if it is not appropriately managed.
The relevance of this scientific research is based on Indonesia labor market structure in transformation industrial era, particularly in metropolitan area, analysis of factors of labor market affecting the economy productivity, the role of metropolitan and labor dense in improving the economic growth and society welfare.