Сравнение академической мобильности и научной миграции между Индонезией и Российской Федерацией / Comparison of Academic mobility and Scientific migration between Indonesia and Russian Federation

Исфахан Джеханшах Фатзикри


The goal of this study is to describe and compare the brain drain phenomenon in Indonesian and Russian qualified human resources, as well as compare solutions that have been carried out by the governments of the two countries.
The aim is to simulate and predict the movement of Indonesia and Russia Brain Drain, analyse the factor of Brain Drain attractiveness, produce recommended policies to prevent future Bain Drain, develop a dynamic model of Scientific Migration and Elaborate the methodology of migration attractiveness.
The object is the factors that cause brain drain and the losses that caused by brain drain in both countries
The subjects in this study are qualified and skilled human resources who migrated from Indonesia and Russia.
The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of methodological provisions for the development of dynamic model with variables related.
The recommendations proposed by the author for the Indonesian government to follow the way of how the Russian government solves the brain drain problem. And also must improve a lot in the fields of higher education, scholarship policy, appreciation for the work of the nation's scientists and a very long bureaucracy. For the Russian government, increasing political stability and improving the quality of life of its citizens is the key to solving the brain drain problem.