Делегирование полномочий и организационные инновации: исследование влияния организационной культуры феномен сокрытия знаний
WRC (master's thesis) consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, including 172 titles. The work includes14 tables and 6 figures. The total volume of the WRC (master's thesis) is 83 pages.
This study investigates the relationship between shared leadership, organizational innovativeness, and its impact on the knowledge hiding phenomenon within organizations. Shared leadership is a distributed leadership approach where multiple individuals within an organization share leadership responsibilities and influence decision-making. Organizational innovativeness refers to an organization's ability to generate and implement new ideas, products, or processes. The knowledge hiding phenomenon refers to the deliberate act of employees withholding or concealing valuable information from their colleagues or superiors.
Using a quantitative methods research design, this study aims to explore how shared leadership influences organizational innovativeness and its subsequent impact on knowledge hiding. The research involves quantitative surveys administered to employees across various organizations to assess the levels of shared leadership, organizational innovativeness, and knowledge hiding. Additionally, qualitative interviews are conducted with selected participants to gain deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms and factors contributing to these relationships.
The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of the complex interplay between shared leadership, organizational innovativeness, and knowledge hiding. The results provide evidence that organizations embracing shared leadership practices tend to foster a culture of innovation, which reduces the occurrence of knowledge hiding behaviors. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis reveals that factors such as trust, communication, and psychological safety play crucial roles in mediating the relationship between shared leadership, organizational innovativeness, and knowledge hiding.
This study investigates the relationship between shared leadership, organizational innovativeness, and its impact on the knowledge hiding phenomenon within organizations. Shared leadership is a distributed leadership approach where multiple individuals within an organization share leadership responsibilities and influence decision-making. Organizational innovativeness refers to an organization's ability to generate and implement new ideas, products, or processes. The knowledge hiding phenomenon refers to the deliberate act of employees withholding or concealing valuable information from their colleagues or superiors.
Using a quantitative methods research design, this study aims to explore how shared leadership influences organizational innovativeness and its subsequent impact on knowledge hiding. The research involves quantitative surveys administered to employees across various organizations to assess the levels of shared leadership, organizational innovativeness, and knowledge hiding. Additionally, qualitative interviews are conducted with selected participants to gain deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms and factors contributing to these relationships.
The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of the complex interplay between shared leadership, organizational innovativeness, and knowledge hiding. The results provide evidence that organizations embracing shared leadership practices tend to foster a culture of innovation, which reduces the occurrence of knowledge hiding behaviors. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis reveals that factors such as trust, communication, and psychological safety play crucial roles in mediating the relationship between shared leadership, organizational innovativeness, and knowledge hiding.