Формирование этнической экономики в условиях международной трудовой миграции / The formation of an ethnic economy in the context of international labor migration

Багдасарян Эрнест Артурович


This graduation thesis explores the formation of ethnic economies in the context of international labor migration. As the movement of labor across borders continues to rise, ethnic economies emerge, marked by the concentration of economic activities within migrant communities. The aim of this study is to examine both the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of forming an ethnic economy within this context, alongside evaluating the instruments of its regulation. The object of the study is the ethnic economy, while the subject focuses on the processes of its formation and regulation. Using a robust methodology that includes statistical analysis of population censuses over the years, case studies and content analysis of migrant media, this study provides a comprehensive view of the ethnic economy. The study identifies the main characteristics of the ethnic economy: Diasporas, ethnic enclaves and ethnic entrepreneurship, which form the ethnic economy in the host countries.