Международный трансферт технологий и его влияние на инновационное развитие стран / International technology transfer and its impact on the innovative development of countries

Кириченко Николай Андреевич


This work consists of an introductory section, three main chapters, a final part and a bibliography. The introduction highlights the significance of the study and outlines the objectives of the study.
The first chapter, “Theoretical foundations for assessing the impact of inter-national technology transfer on the innovative progress of countries,” is devoted to the concept of international technology transfer. It examines the different types, underlying processes and extent to which international technology transfer affects both the innovation and economic progress of countries.
The second chapter, “Methodological aspects of studying the influence of in-ternational technology transfer on the innovative development of EU countries,” is an in-depth examination of the current state of innovative development within the European Union. This chapter includes a methodology for international technology transfer.
The final part of this chapter includes the results of statistical and economet-ric analyzes that reveal the role of foreign direct investment in stimulating innova-tive growth in the European Union. In addition, it offers recommendations for at-tracting foreign capital and implementing socio-economic policies, and summarizes the results of the study determining the degree of influence of international technol-ogy transfer on the innovative development of the EU in the context of sustainable growth.
Key words: international technology transfer, innovative development, eco-nomic growth, EU countries.