Влияние факторов внешнеэкономической нестабильности на экспорт российских дикоросов/The impact of factors of foreign economic instability on the export of Russian wild plants

Петленко Александр Вадимович


This study analyzes the impact of factors of foreign economic instability on the export of Russian wild plants. Taking into account that wild plants are an important resource in various fields, including the food industry, medicine and cosmetics, understanding the impact of factors of foreign economic instability on exports is important for Russia's economic development. The paper analyzes the economic, political and environmental conditions affecting the export of wild plants. The purpose of this research is to formulate ways for companies to adapt to foreign economic pressure, based on the analysis of a particular field of activity. To examine how global economic instability, its different factors, as well as various sanctions imposed on Russia over the past 10 years affect the export of Russian wild plants. The object of research is export of wild edible plants from Russia. At the same time, the subject of the project is external economic factors.
After undertaking a deep theoretical analysis and using the method of case-study analysis, the author came to the conclusion that foreign economic instability in the face of economic sanctions not only affect areas related to the rational use of natural resources, but also negatively affect the export of wild plants from Russia. However, competent government support and diversification of supply channels and directions make exporting companies less vulnerable to sanctions pressure, as well as to any manifestations of economic instability. The results obtained can be useful for developing strategies for managing the export potential of wild plants and increasing the sustainability of the Russian export sector.