Направления сотрудничества фармацевтических компаний с учетом изменений на мировом рынке (на примере России и Азии) / Areas of pharmaceutical companies cooperation considering changes in global market (on the example of Russia and Asia)

Сысоева Ксения Денисовна


This article examines the features and current state of the global pharmaceutical industry in the face of global challenges, as well as the importance and prospects of international cooperation in the pharmaceutical and medical industries.
The purpose of this study is to identify key areas of cooperation between countries in the pharmaceutical market and the specifics of cooperation between Russia and Asian countries in such areas as research and development, production, distribution, and market access.
In addition, the study attempts to identify opportunities for cooperation in this industry with some Asian countries, namely China and India. Case studies, scientific articles, statistical and comparative analysis were used as the research methodology. The main findings suggest that collaboration between the medical and technical industries is crucial to develop more effective solutions for patients. External alliances enable healthcare organizations to achieve strategic leadership in the future. Research shows that investments in research and development of new medicines are crucial for the effectiveness of a pharmaceutical company, and innovation, competitiveness, effectiveness, and accessibility are the most important factors for a pharmaceutical company.