Факторы развития мирового рынка цветных металлов в условиях смены мировых лидеров / Factors of non-ferrous world metals market development in the context of changing global leaders

Топтыгин Данил Игоревич


This course work discusses and examines the key factors in the development of the global non-ferrous metals market, the role of the largest metallurgical and innovative companies, as well as the introduction of rare-earth non-ferrous metals in various fields of technology. The purpose of this work is to identify and study factors and current problems in the development of the world market of non-ferrous metals, taking into account the characteristics of the modern world economy. In addition, a comparative and econometric analysis of key participants and factors in the development of the global metallurgical market was carried out. For an objective study, two models are used for the import and export of non-ferrous metals. A panel data set is used for 22 countries for the period from 2008 to 2022, and the relationship between import and export volume indicators is analyzed. The work uses an econometric research method using FE and RE models. The key features of the introduction of rare earth non-ferrous metals were also examined using the example of an analysis of specific situations in which both countries, companies, and the rare earth metals themselves and methods of their implementation were analyzed. The main conclusions of this work are focused on the systematic significant growth of the global metallurgical business, in particular, the largest companies are now very actively introducing new, previously inapplicable rare earth metals into completely different branches of technology, in addition, it can be concluded about the impact of research and development on the competitiveness of companies in this industry, and also that with the growing number of inventors and analysts in the metallurgical industry, the company's competitiveness increases, which determines their growth. Also, cooperation between metallurgical and technological companies leads to significant and organic development of our civilization. The study shows that investments by non-ferrous metals companies in research and development of new production technologies are critical to company performance, and innovation, competitiveness and efficiency are critical variables for success in the global metals market.