Тенденции развития международного туризма в новых экономических реалиях / Development trends of the international tourism in the new economic realities
This graduation thesis examines trends in the development of international tourism in the new economic realities. The goal is to identify the state, factors and trends of the international tourism market in the new economic realities. In addition, the study attempts to study the development of countries in the modern world. Econometric modeling was chosen as a method, which will help us at the global level to assess the response of countries to various factors. Using the panel data method, we will analyze what factors and trends really influence the development of international tourism. Also, we will use the cluster analysis method, which will help to form a general global picture of countries in relation to the tourism industry. Using Python and the k-means method, we will build 3 clusters over two different years to study how countries developed pre- and post-pandemic. For this study, we will use modern global indices to recognize current trends most accurately in the development of the tourism market. The main results show that, in general, the tourism industry adapts quite flexibly to various modern conditions, be it a pandemic or a digital leap. It also notes the importance of developing sustainable tourism, as it is essential for protecting the environment, supporting local communities, ensuring economic vitality, increasing resilience to climate change, protecting cultural heritage, and increasing traveler satisfaction. This is the path to creating a more sustainable and responsible tourism industry that benefits both travelers and locals.
This work can help future research to track trends and identify new growth opportunities and tour operators and travel agencies can use this knowledge to develop strategies to adapt to changing economic conditions and meet changing customer needs. Policymakers can also use this knowledge to develop policies and programs that support the tourism industry and mitigate the negative impacts of economic changes.
This work can help future research to track trends and identify new growth opportunities and tour operators and travel agencies can use this knowledge to develop strategies to adapt to changing economic conditions and meet changing customer needs. Policymakers can also use this knowledge to develop policies and programs that support the tourism industry and mitigate the negative impacts of economic changes.