Влияние кластеров креативных индустрий на региональное инновационное развитие в КНР / The influence of creative industry clusters on regional innovative development in China
In the context of globalization and digitalization, the role of creative industries in driving economic development has become increasingly significant, especially in leading economies like China. This study aims to evaluate the impact of creative clusters on innovative economic growth in Chinese provinces. The rapid expansion of these industries has generated interest in understanding their influence on new economic models and structures, as well as their potential as tools for provincial development. However, limited attention has been given to the creative industries in developing countries and their impact on the economy, primarily due to varying definitions of creative industries and the scarcity of data. Through this paper, the authors seek to bridge this gap by leveraging their experience of studying similar impacts in other countries. The study employs economic analysis and econometric modeling to investigate the effects of creative industry clusters on regional innovation and economic growth in China. By examining variables such as regional innovation indices, industry indices, and creative industries concentration, the study aims to provide valuable insights into the relationship between creative clusters and economic development in Chinese provinces, shedding light on the potential for fostering innovation and sustainable socio-economic growth.