Binance и рост новой цифровой экономики в Латинской Америке на примере Эль- Сальвадора, Аргентины, Бразилии и Колумбии / Binance and the growth of the new digital economy Latin American countries on the example of El Salvador, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia

Буйтраго Кастро Лаура Валентина


The research of this work presents as the main focus the digital economy and how it has presented impact on society due to its development over the years, therefore, it will be divided into two chapters. In the first chapter, a central analysis will be made in the history of the world economy, presenting the most representative and important stages, and their forms of management during them. Also, there will be an introduction to digital platforms, where the purchase, sale and exchange of cryptocurrencies is handled, presenting the formulation of concepts and statistics based on surveys conducted, where you can witness the countries with the largest numbers of cryptocurrency users in the world, highlighting that the Latin American region is very present. And introducing the study platform Binance.
Thus, in chapter two, a selection of four countries from the Latin American region will be made, which are: El Salvador, Argentina, Colombia and Brazil. A country-specific analysis will be presented in relation to cryptocurrencies and the Binance platform in general. The respective impacts, social and political changes of each country will be explained through graphics and also information clearly provided by the same digital platform.