Последствия санкций для автомобильного рынка: изменение цепочки поставок / Consequences of sanctions for the automotive market: changing the supply chain

Виноградский Андрей Александрович


The graduation paper deals the consequences of sanctions on the automotive market based on the analysis of two countries - Iran and Russia. Using a case study, this paper examines the main hypotheses such as Sanctions had a significant negative impact on the automotive industry, which led to a decrease in sales and profits, as well as changes in the supply chain, such as increased delivery times, reduced product quality, and rising prices for cars. The sanctions had a negative impact on the automotive market of the countries that imposed the sanctions. In the beginning, after the sanctions are imposed, companies undertake short-term changes in the supply chain, then long-term changes occur, but it takes time to implement them.
The work uses various indicators to obtain a side-by-side analysis of the situation. In the course of the work, it is concluded that the sanctions have led to a decrease in sales and a change in supply chains, a decrease in the profits of companies, both local and foreign. The study complements the literature on the impact of sanctions on the automotive market and provides insight to industry stakeholder.