Влияние геополитических рисков на импорт природных ресурсов в странах ЕС / The impact of geopolitical risks on natural resource imports in EU countries

Куклева Екатерина Михайловна


The importance of analyzing the effects of geopolitical risks on natural re-source imports in the European Union (EU) context stems from the fact that geopolit-ical risks have become important factors shaping the global economic landscape, with serious implications for international trade and resource flows. The European Union heavily dependent on imported natural resources, faces major challenges in managing and mitigating the impact of geopolitical risks on its resource supply chains.
The objective of this study is therefore to assess the impact of geopolitical risks on natural resource degradation in an EU context. The object of the study is a set of measures of geopolitical risks influence on natural resource imports. The subject of the study is the causal relationship between the geopolitical risk index and imports of natural resources among EU countries.
According to the analysis based on the econometric Quantile regression approach, it was found that geopolitical risks have a negative impact on imports of natural resources such as ores, slag and ash and mineral fuels, mineral oils and prod-ucts of their distillation, bituminous substances, mineral waxes. The findings under-score the susceptibility of EU natural resource imports to geopolitical events like wars, armed conflicts, and terrorist attacks, financial crises. These events disrupt the flow of trade and introduce uncertainty, resulting in a decline in the importation of vi-tal resources for EU countries. This vulnerability carries significant consequences for the EU, as these natural resources play a critical role in supporting various sectors and industries across the region.
The thesis also emphasizes the aspect aspects of the impact of geopolitical risks on natural resource imports in EU countries in the context of sustainable develop-ment. The results of the current study can be used by policymakers, businesses and stakeholders involved in resource procurement, trade and sustainable development.