Социально-экономические эффекты развития зелёной экономики в Скандинавских странах / Socio-economic effects of the development of the green economy in the Scandinavian countries

Файзуллина Карина Рафисовна


In the modern world, environmental problems are becoming more and more ur- gent. Greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of biodiversity, pollution of the environ- ment, reduction of natural resources - all this poses a huge threat to the future of the planet and threatens an ecological catastrophe.
In order to prevent this crisis and meet modern environmental requirements, a green economy is developing. The main idea of the green economy is the sustainable use of natural resources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
At the present stage, due to the emergence of global environmental problems, the transition to a "green" economy is becoming one of the key directions in the search for new models of economic growth.
The Scandinavian countries are among the leaders in the development and im- plementation of the green economy. These countries are implementing policies aimed at transitioning to environmentally sustainable technologies and supporting the pro- duction and use of environmentally friendly products.
The object of the study is the development of a "green" economy in the Scandi- navian countries.
The subject of the study is the socio–economic effects and especially the process of transition of the Scandinavian countries to the "green" economy model.
The purpose of writing a thesis : to reveal the concepts of the "green" economy; identify the role of the state in the introduction of a "green" economy; to study the experience of the leading countries of the "green" economy; show what are the features of the green economy. In the green economy is becoming increasingly important in the modern world, and not only in Scandinavia. The development of a green economy promises significant socio-economic benefits, such as higher rates of economic growth, improved quality of life of the population, job creation and reduction of risks to the environment. The implementation of green technologies and the adoption of measures aimed at overcoming environmental problems is one of the most important challenges facing modern society.