Неравенство доходов и экономический рост: проблемы взаимосвязи в странах Латинской Америки / Income Inequality and Economic Growth: interconnection problems in Latin America

Козлов Юрий Станиславович


This paper examines Latin America's economic growth and income inequality. In terms of economics, Latin American countries are unique. First and foremost, the volatility of economic data for various years confirms this. Each economic variable is influenced by a variety of factors, which manifest themselves slightly differently in one region than in others around the world. Latin American countries are known for their poverty, corruption, inflation, and low or no education, but they are also known for their exports.
A wide range of literature, including scientific works by scientists from various countries, was used in the course of this work. Everyone had an opinion about the Latin American countries and economies. The World Bank provided the majority of the data for the empirical analysis.
Various indicators of economic growth and income inequality were also examined during the course of this work. These indicators have been used to build a variety of econometric models. In general, this work gives a certain image of the kind of economy that should be avoided by those countries in which people want to live, not survive. Also, there are some recommendations for the sustainable development of the economy, to avoid and reduce income inequality.