Малое и среднее предпринимательство в странах Западной Европы: эффекты для общественного благосостояния

Калинина Мария Павловна


In the modern world, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make a great contribution to the socio-economic well-being of countries. SMEs are the main driver of the economies of both developed and developing countries. About 96% of small and medium-sized enterprises provide more than 50% of employment in the entire European Union (2020)
The relevance of the topic I have chosen is due to the fact that SMEs play a key role in national economies around the world, creating jobs and adding value and promoting innovation. SMEs play a central role in efforts to achieve environmental sustainability and more inclusive growth. This raises the question of whether the effects of SMEs on public welfare can be measured to further define the development strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Despite the growing interest of researchers individually to the topic of studying the impact of SME activities on economic growth and the impact of economic growth on social well-being, the relationship between the efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises and public welfare is almost not disclosed in the works of foreign scientists and domestic ones, so a comprehensive approach to studying the problem can be considered a novelty of the study.
Statistical analysis, econometric analysis, and the method of comparison and generalization of the obtained data were used as research methods.
The object of research in this paper is small and medium-sized enterprises in Western Europe.
The subject of the study is the overall performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the development of national economies in Western Europe and public welfare.
The aim of the work is to identify the effects of the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises on public welfare.
The implementation of the goal required a consistent solution of the following tasks:
– to characterize small and medium-sized enterprises, to highlight their features; to consider the principles of classification and types of enterprises.;
– to identify the channels of impact of small and medium-sized businesses on public welfare;
– to conduct a comparative analysis of the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the leading countries of the European Union (Germany, Italy, France); – to determine the degree of impact of SMEs on key elements of public welfare;
– make an econometric modeling to assess the impact of SME activities on employment and economic growth.
The structure of the study consists of an introduction, two chapters, 2 paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and contains 18 tables. The bibliographic list includes 54 sources, including 50 in a foreign language, Internet sources. The first chapter examines the theoretical aspects of small and medium-sized enterprises and public welfare, and examines SMEs in terms of their impact on the SDGs . In the second chapter, a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of SMEs for public welfare in France, Germany and Italy is made, and an econometric model is constructed to assess the relationship of SME activity with employment growth and economic growth as the main channels of influence on public welfare. In conclusion, the main conclusions obtained in the course of the study are formulated.