Влияние делового климата на размещение фирм в регионах России

Артемьева Кристина Андреевна


My thesis is an attempt to find a reasonable answer to the question of why firms prefer to locate in specific regions and how they are guided in making this choice, whether the favorable business climate and good institutions of the regions affect the choice of firms. Based on this, the aim of this research is to establish the influence of business climate on the location decision of firms. The object of the study is enterprise location choice in regions of the Russia. The subject of the study is the relationship between regional business climate and location choice of enterprises. In order to achieve the goal, we diagnosed the Russian economy, in particular 76 regions, from 2002 to 2019 using the GMM method and analyzed the impact of business climate on location choice of firms. Business climate was determined by the quality of institutions and measured by factors two factors: the investment potential index (by rating agency “Expert RA”) and the economic freedom index (calculated by the author). Significant and positive coefficient of investment potential index and positive coefficient of economic freedom index confirm the hypothesis about the direct connection between business climate in the regions and firm’s location choice. Therefore, various types of institutional reforms, creation of comfortable financial conditions of doing business, investments in raising living standards and developing infrastructure, as well as increasing the education of the population in the region can mitigate economic and social gaps among Russian regions and enhance economic activity in Russia overall.