Слияния и поглощения в отрасли автомобилестроения, как способ проникновения на зарубежные рынки
This study is devoted to the study of M&A transactions of the "Big Eight" automotive industry as a tool for penetration into foreign markets, to understand what benefits companies receive in certain markets of countries and sectors, as well as what contribution they can make with their Sustainable Development policies. The paper describes both the global M&A market and the automotive market, their dynamics and history. Strategies and goals for cross-border transactions are described. The paper used the analysis of comparable companies, the analysis of comparable transactions, as well as the analysis at the level of countries and sectors. The study described the strategy of each company and the achievement of its goals. The study shows that the leader in the implementation of transactions is "Toyota Motor Corp" and the remaining company is "Ford Motor Co". The increase in sectors for cross-border transactions is a key not only to the foreign market, but also an instrument for reducing transaction costs. China is the leader, followed by the US and UK, followed by the markets of industrialized countries (North America, Europe and Japan), and developing countries (the ASEAN countries, including India).