Взаимосвязь между детско-родительским взаимодействием в возрасте 5 месяцев и навыком слежения за взглядом у младенцев в возрасте 10 месяцев

Ли Цзыцзюнь


Gaze following serves as the early intersubjective social communication, which related with later development of empathy, language and learning. In order to reveal the predictor for gaze following developing during the natural parent-infant interaction in the first year of life, furthermore to answer how parent-infant interaction behaviors foster the formation of gaze following, the present study examines the correlation between parent-infant gaze-directed interaction in 5 months of age with infant gaze following skills in 10 months of age.

The study is longitudinally conducted among 12 infant-parent dyad pairs from Yekaterinburg, Russia. The data of parent-infant gaze-directed interaction has been collected through 5-minute videotape-recording observation and quantitative analysis via Elan software. The data of gaze following skills in 10 months of age has been collected through the experiment via Eye-tracker and quantitative analysis via Matlab programming as well as Grafix software. As the result, the present study obtain threefold findings. Firstly, there is no significant correlation between general parent-infant interaction regardless its forms with infant gaze following skills in 10 months of age. Secondly, it generalizes five typical parent-infant patterns and suggests mutual gaze and tactile interaction as the most universal interactive patterns for parent-infant interaction in 5 months of age in typical development. What’s more, the study finds the significant correlation between specific parent-infant interactive patterns with infant gaze following development-parental hand pointing with head/eye orientation. This study implicates that it is the specific parent-infant interactive patterns that fosters the infant’s gaze following developing rather than the general frequency or duration of parent-infant interaction in any forms.

The thesis describes the present study through several chapters. It begins with the first chapter which introduces the social development trajectory in infancy such as the basic development theories for social functions, the development of social brain, the roots of sociability and attachment. The second chapter describes the social attention formation in infancy and it mainly encompasses the basic skills of attention, as well as social attention aspects such as sharing attention, following attention and directing attention and social attention. The third chapter describes the formation of joint attention in infancy which includes its behavioral skills and maturation of related brain area and the distinction between responsive joint attention with initiating joint attention. The fourth chapter tracks the development of gaze following in infants, which constitutes typical and atypical gaze following development and the ostensive cues of gaze following . The fifth chapter outline the parent-infant interaction such as the synchronous interaction, specific interactive patterns and its influential factors. The method chapter lists the methodology, participants, experiment design as well as statistic analysis. The results chapter presents the descriptive results, the correlation results separately and explains the research hypotheses. The last chapter concludes with the contribution, limitation as well as implications of the present study.