Лонгитюдное исследование нейрокогнитивного развития недоношенных младенцев
In this research the main goal is to show how prematurity effect negatively on neurocognitive development abilities in infants and children. And to learn more about these developmental disabilities.
Because we know that premature infants are at higher risk of developmental problems and other biological vulnerabilities. Although premature births are impossible to predict with certainty, it is important to be aware of potential problems and the ways to mitigate these adverse effects. Many survivors of preterm birth experience neurodevelopment disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, visual and hearing problems. Even in the absence of major neurological complications, premature babies show significant neuropsychological and behavioral deficits during childhood and beyond. While the tools used to assess neurocognitive development in those infants have been useful in detecting major complications in early infancy.
So the main goal was to reveal the difference in neurocognitive development between premature and full-term infants at the age 5-14 months. so to achieve this goal we recruit immature and mature infant in our research. And the tasks of the study was :
1. A review of cognitive development in preterm and mature infants.
2. Recruiting premature and mature infants for this research
3. Evaluating neurocognitive development using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III)
4. Make statistical analysis of obtained data
5. Draw a conclusion from the obtain results
In view of the obtained results it can be assumed that the prematurity has specific negative effect on early neurocognitive development at 5 months of age there is a delay in the development of cognitive abilities, receptive language, fine and gross motor functions. Atthe same time, the rates of development of expressive language in premature infants do not significantly differ from full-term infants. And at 14 months of age the level of development function started to be the same, thenegative impact of prematurity had disappeared.
Because we know that premature infants are at higher risk of developmental problems and other biological vulnerabilities. Although premature births are impossible to predict with certainty, it is important to be aware of potential problems and the ways to mitigate these adverse effects. Many survivors of preterm birth experience neurodevelopment disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, visual and hearing problems. Even in the absence of major neurological complications, premature babies show significant neuropsychological and behavioral deficits during childhood and beyond. While the tools used to assess neurocognitive development in those infants have been useful in detecting major complications in early infancy.
So the main goal was to reveal the difference in neurocognitive development between premature and full-term infants at the age 5-14 months. so to achieve this goal we recruit immature and mature infant in our research. And the tasks of the study was :
1. A review of cognitive development in preterm and mature infants.
2. Recruiting premature and mature infants for this research
3. Evaluating neurocognitive development using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III)
4. Make statistical analysis of obtained data
5. Draw a conclusion from the obtain results
In view of the obtained results it can be assumed that the prematurity has specific negative effect on early neurocognitive development at 5 months of age there is a delay in the development of cognitive abilities, receptive language, fine and gross motor functions. Atthe same time, the rates of development of expressive language in premature infants do not significantly differ from full-term infants. And at 14 months of age the level of development function started to be the same, thenegative impact of prematurity had disappeared.