Исследование юзабилити текстов на таджикском языке, набранных шрифтами с прямой рубленной гарнитурой
Цель работы является исследование юзабилити текстов на таджикском языке, набранных шрифтами с прямой рубленной гарнитурой для повышения легкости чтения учебников и книг, а также их соответствия возрастным особенностям читателей. Впервые получены результаты о влиянии гарнитуры шрифта на скорость чтения текстов на таджикском языке. Для печати текстов на таджикском языке наиболее удобными является гарнитуры: Arial, Tahoma и Verdana, так как они более стандартны и привычны. Рекомендуется их использовать при наборе, а также можно добавить их в каталог технических регламентов и стандартов Республики Таджикистан к шрифтовому оформлению основного текста учебных изданий для системы высшего и среднего специального образования по основным и профессиональным дисциплинам.
The aim of the work is to study the usability of texts in the Tajik language, typed in fonts with a straight chopped headset to improve the ease of reading textbooks and books, as well as their relevance to the age characteristics of readers. For the first time, results were obtained about the effect of a font set on the speed of reading texts in the Tajik language. For printing texts in the Tajik language, the most convenient are the headsets: Arial, Tahoma and Verdana, as they are more standard and familiar. It is recommended to use them when typing, and also you can add them to the catalog of technical regulations and standards of the Republic of Tajikistan to the font design of the main text of educational publications for the system of higher and secondary specialized education in basic and professional disciplines.
The aim of the work is to study the usability of texts in the Tajik language, typed in fonts with a straight chopped headset to improve the ease of reading textbooks and books, as well as their relevance to the age characteristics of readers. For the first time, results were obtained about the effect of a font set on the speed of reading texts in the Tajik language. For printing texts in the Tajik language, the most convenient are the headsets: Arial, Tahoma and Verdana, as they are more standard and familiar. It is recommended to use them when typing, and also you can add them to the catalog of technical regulations and standards of the Republic of Tajikistan to the font design of the main text of educational publications for the system of higher and secondary specialized education in basic and professional disciplines.