Фрагментарное секвенирование по методу Сенгера S гена SARS-CoV-2
Работа посвящена секвенированию гена S-белка коронавируса, подобраны праймеры для амплификации этого гена и осуществлена оптимизация условий ПЦР, проанализировано видовое разнообразие SARS-CoV-2, построено филогенетическое дерево. Дано описание технологического процесса и рассчитан материальный баланс.
The work is devoted to sequencing the coronavirus S-protein gene, primers were selected for amplification of this gene and PCR conditions were optimized, the species diversity of SARS-CoV-2 was analyzed, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. A description of the technological process is given and the material balance is calculated.
The work is devoted to sequencing the coronavirus S-protein gene, primers were selected for amplification of this gene and PCR conditions were optimized, the species diversity of SARS-CoV-2 was analyzed, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. A description of the technological process is given and the material balance is calculated.