Липосомы, покрытые биополимерами: перспективные носители для противотуберкулезных агентов
В рамках данной работы составлен аналитический обзор литературы по ограничениям традиционной терапии туберкулеза и системам доставки противотуберкулезных препаратов. Проведен подбор оптимального состава липосом, нагруженных производным имидазотетразина. В целях повышения стабильности были получены липосомальные препараты модифицированные фукоиданом и различными типами пектина. Проведены анализы динамического рассеяния света, эффективности инкапсуляции препарата и атомно-силовая микроскопия. Изучены профили высвобождения туберкулостатика из липосомальных форм, а также их цитотоксическое действие.
As part of this research, an analytical review of the literature on the limitations of traditional tuberculosis treatment and anti-tubercular drug delivery systems has been conducted. An optimal composition of liposomes loaded with an imidazotetrazine derivative has been selected. In order to enhance stability, liposomal formulations modified with fucoidan and different types of pectin have been obtained. Dynamic light scattering, drug loading efficiency, and atomic force microscopy have been analyzed. The release profiles of tuberculostatic from liposomal formulations, as well as their cytotoxicity, have been investigated.
As part of this research, an analytical review of the literature on the limitations of traditional tuberculosis treatment and anti-tubercular drug delivery systems has been conducted. An optimal composition of liposomes loaded with an imidazotetrazine derivative has been selected. In order to enhance stability, liposomal formulations modified with fucoidan and different types of pectin have been obtained. Dynamic light scattering, drug loading efficiency, and atomic force microscopy have been analyzed. The release profiles of tuberculostatic from liposomal formulations, as well as their cytotoxicity, have been investigated.