Получение фитостеринов из рапсового масла
В рамках данной работы составлен аналитический обзор литературы по методу выделения фитостеринов из рапсового масла. Проведено исследование состава и выделения ряда фитостеринов (кампестерина, брассикастерина, стигмастерина, β-ситостерина) и других попутных веществ из рапсового масла. Проведена очистка выделенных соединений от посторонних примесей.
As part of this work, an analytical review of the literature on the method of isolating phytosterols from rapeseed oil has been compiled. The composition and isolation of a number of phytosterols (campesterine, brassicasterine, stigmasterine, β-sitosterol) and other associated substances from rapeseed oil were studied. The isolated compounds were cleaned from foreign impurities.
As part of this work, an analytical review of the literature on the method of isolating phytosterols from rapeseed oil has been compiled. The composition and isolation of a number of phytosterols (campesterine, brassicasterine, stigmasterine, β-sitosterol) and other associated substances from rapeseed oil were studied. The isolated compounds were cleaned from foreign impurities.