Свинцово-кадмиевая интоксикация: влияние на сократительную функцию миокарда правого желудочка на молекулярном уровне и пути коррекции
В рамках данной работы составлен аналитический обзор литературы по свинцово-кадмиевой интоксикации. Проведено исследование влияния комбинированной интоксикации солями свинца и кадмия на сократительную функцию миокарда правого желудочка на молекулярном уровне и пути коррекции, а также проведено сравнение влияния интоксикаций солями и наночастицами свинца и кадмия на актин-миозиновое взаимодействие в правом желудочке сердца крыс. Изучен метод искусственной подвижной системы (in vitro Motility Assay) и электрофоретическое разделение белков.
Within the framework of this work, an analytical review of the literature on lead-cadmium intoxication was compiled. The effect of combined lead-cadmium intoxication on the contractile function of the right ventricular myocardium at the molecular level and the ways of correction was studied. Comparing analysis of lead-cadmium combined intoxication by salts and nanoparticles on actin-myosin interaction in right ventricle of rat hearts was carried out. The methods of an in vitro Motility Assay and electrophoretic separation of proteins have been studied.
Within the framework of this work, an analytical review of the literature on lead-cadmium intoxication was compiled. The effect of combined lead-cadmium intoxication on the contractile function of the right ventricular myocardium at the molecular level and the ways of correction was studied. Comparing analysis of lead-cadmium combined intoxication by salts and nanoparticles on actin-myosin interaction in right ventricle of rat hearts was carried out. The methods of an in vitro Motility Assay and electrophoretic separation of proteins have been studied.