Получение микрокапсул на основе пектина для доставки водорастворимых солей Preparation of microcapsules on the basis of pectin for delivery of water soluble salts
Данное исследование посвящено получению микрокапсул, содержащих соль (NaCl) и покрытых пектином. В ходе работы была использована новая технология инкапсулирования, которая позволяет получать капсулы малого размера. Во время практических исследований с помощью диспергатора Ultra-Turrax 25 была сначала получена обратная эмульсия в органическом растворителе (толуол, этанол) стабилизированная олеатом магния. Затем, используя технологию инкапсулирования, были выделены микрокапсулы с размером от 1 до 5 мкм. Кроме того, эти капсулы были окрашены флуоресцентными красителями для создания лучшего контраста между фазами растворителя и геля. Во время этих исследований были выявлены факторы, оказывающие влияние на размеры конечных частиц. Морфология полученных микрокапсул была определена с помощью оптической микроскопии.
In this research, we are focusing on producing microcapsules salt (NaCl) coated with natural pectin. During this work, we are using encapsulation technique. this is a latest technique in which we entrap active agent with in a small capsule. During practical work at first, we prepared reverse emulsion of aqueous solution of natural polymer (Pectin) in organic solvents (toluene, aliphatic alcohols) with Magnesium oleate as a surfactant using Ultra-Turrax 25 dispergator. Producing small capsule with help of encapsulation technique and its diameter rage between 1 micrometer to 5 micrometer. In addition, we have colored final particles with some fluorescent dyes to obtain the contrast between solvent and gel. Finally, during investigation we evaluate the main factors having influence on the size distribution of final particles. The morphology of obtained samples and salt inclusions were investigated using optical microscopy.
In this research, we are focusing on producing microcapsules salt (NaCl) coated with natural pectin. During this work, we are using encapsulation technique. this is a latest technique in which we entrap active agent with in a small capsule. During practical work at first, we prepared reverse emulsion of aqueous solution of natural polymer (Pectin) in organic solvents (toluene, aliphatic alcohols) with Magnesium oleate as a surfactant using Ultra-Turrax 25 dispergator. Producing small capsule with help of encapsulation technique and its diameter rage between 1 micrometer to 5 micrometer. In addition, we have colored final particles with some fluorescent dyes to obtain the contrast between solvent and gel. Finally, during investigation we evaluate the main factors having influence on the size distribution of final particles. The morphology of obtained samples and salt inclusions were investigated using optical microscopy.