Разработка технологии получения высокочистых порошков Al2O3 на основе сырья уральского региона
В работе была разработана технология, состоящая из следующих этапов: выполнен процесс гранулирования каолина уральского месторождение. Обжиг полученных гранул. Помол после обжига. Сернокислотное выщелачивание сырья при разных концентрациях кислоты и времени. Получение осадка. Осаждение полученного осадка до гидроксида алюминия. Процесс разложения гидроксида алюминия до оксида алюминия при температурах: 850, 900, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1200 оС. Исследование полученных порошков оксида алюминия на свойства. Сформованные из них образцы термообрабатывали при температурах 1600 и 1800 оС для сравнительной оценки спекаемости.
In this work, a technology was developed consisting the following stages: the kaolin granulation process from the Ural deposit was carried out. Burning the obtained granules. Grinding after burning. Raw materials sulfuric acid leaching at different acid concentrations and time. Sediment preparation. The obtained sediment precipitation to aluminum hydroxide. The aluminum hydroxide process decomposition to aluminum oxide at temperatures: 850, 900, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1200 ° С. The obtained alumina powders research on the properties. The samples molded from them were heat-treated at 1600 and 1800 ° C temperatures for sintering ability comparative evaluation.
In this work, a technology was developed consisting the following stages: the kaolin granulation process from the Ural deposit was carried out. Burning the obtained granules. Grinding after burning. Raw materials sulfuric acid leaching at different acid concentrations and time. Sediment preparation. The obtained sediment precipitation to aluminum hydroxide. The aluminum hydroxide process decomposition to aluminum oxide at temperatures: 850, 900, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1200 ° С. The obtained alumina powders research on the properties. The samples molded from them were heat-treated at 1600 and 1800 ° C temperatures for sintering ability comparative evaluation.