Совершенствование методики специальных исследований средств вычислительной техники
Работа заключается в разработке уточненной модели затухания электромагнитного поля от источника излучения на основе решения волновых дифференциальных уравнений для векторного потенциала и ее применении для описания процесса затухания электромагнитного поля от источника излучения в ближней, промежуточной и дальней волновых зонах, а также для определения математических выражений для расчета границ волновых зон и в уточнении методики расчета радиуса Зоны 2 от средства вычислительной техники и методики расчета показателя защищенности средства вычислительной техники от утечки информации по каналу побочных электромагнитных излучений.
The work consists in the development of a refined model of the attenuation of the electromagnetic field from the radiation source based on the solution of wave differential equations for the vector potential and its application to describe the process of attenuation of the electromagnetic field from the radiation source in the near, intermediate and far wave zones, and also to determine mathematical expressions for calculating the boundaries of wave zones and in clarifying the methodology for calculating the radius of Zone 2 from the computer equipment and the methodology for calculating the security index of the computer equipment from information leakage through the channel of side electromagnetic radiation.
The work consists in the development of a refined model of the attenuation of the electromagnetic field from the radiation source based on the solution of wave differential equations for the vector potential and its application to describe the process of attenuation of the electromagnetic field from the radiation source in the near, intermediate and far wave zones, and also to determine mathematical expressions for calculating the boundaries of wave zones and in clarifying the methodology for calculating the radius of Zone 2 from the computer equipment and the methodology for calculating the security index of the computer equipment from information leakage through the channel of side electromagnetic radiation.