Комплексная методика моделирования тепловых процессов для аппаратуры систем управления
В настоящее время всё актуальнее становится проблема функционирования бортовой аппаратуры систем управления ракет-носителей (БАСУ РН) в условиях постоянного увеличения рассеиваемых тепловых мощностей. Перегрев приводит к снижению надёжности, что недопустимо в данной сфере применения, потому что в случае отказа системы управления в основном режиме работы РН, как и полезная нагрузка, становятся неремонтопригодными и не выполняют возложенные задачи. В работе приведена методика ресурсоёмкой (с точки зрения вычислительных ресурсов) и точной оценки теплового режима одного из основных узлов БАСУ. Новизна методики заключается в последовательном использовании программных пакетов «ANSYS» и «АСОНИКА-ТМ» для расчёта температурного поля, возникающего при работе прибора. Результат расчёта в «ANSYS» используется как граничное условие первого рода для расчёта в «АСОНИКА-ТМ».
Ключевые слова: тепловые процессы, теплообмен, система управления, ракета-носитель, метод конечных элементов, МКЭ, АНСИС, АСОНИКА-ТМ.
At present, the problem of the functioning of the on-board equipment of control systems of launch vehicles (OECS LV) is becoming more urgent in the conditions of a constant increase in the dissipated heat capacities. Overheating leads to a decrease in reliability, which is unacceptable in this field of application, because in the event of a failure of the control system in the main operation mode, the LV, like the payload, becomes unreachable and does not fulfill the assigned tasks. In this work, a technique is given that is resource-intensive (from the point of view of computing resources) and an accurate estimate of the thermal regime of one of the main nodes of the OECS. The novelty of the methodology consists in the sequential use of software packages "ANSYS" and "ASONIKA-TM" to calculate the temperature field that arises when the device is operating. The calculation result in "ANSYS" is used as a boundary condition of the first kind for calculation in "ASONIKA-TM".
Keywords: heat processes, heat exchange, control system, launch vehicle, finite element method, FEM, ANSYS, ASONIKA-TM.
In this work, a technique is given that is resource-intensive (from the point of view of computing resources) and an accurate estimate of the
thermal regime of one of the main nodes of the OECS. The novelty of the methodology consists in the sequential use of software packages "ANSYS" and "ASONIKA-TM"
to calculate the temperature field that arises when the device is operating. The calculation result in "ANSYS" is used as a boundary condition of the first kind
for calculation in "ASONIKA-TM".
Keywords: heat processes, heat exchange, control system, launch vehicle, finite element method, FEM, ANSYS, ASONIKA-TM.
Ключевые слова: тепловые процессы, теплообмен, система управления, ракета-носитель, метод конечных элементов, МКЭ, АНСИС, АСОНИКА-ТМ.
At present, the problem of the functioning of the on-board equipment of control systems of launch vehicles (OECS LV) is becoming more urgent in the conditions of a constant increase in the dissipated heat capacities. Overheating leads to a decrease in reliability, which is unacceptable in this field of application, because in the event of a failure of the control system in the main operation mode, the LV, like the payload, becomes unreachable and does not fulfill the assigned tasks. In this work, a technique is given that is resource-intensive (from the point of view of computing resources) and an accurate estimate of the thermal regime of one of the main nodes of the OECS. The novelty of the methodology consists in the sequential use of software packages "ANSYS" and "ASONIKA-TM" to calculate the temperature field that arises when the device is operating. The calculation result in "ANSYS" is used as a boundary condition of the first kind for calculation in "ASONIKA-TM".
Keywords: heat processes, heat exchange, control system, launch vehicle, finite element method, FEM, ANSYS, ASONIKA-TM.
In this work, a technique is given that is resource-intensive (from the point of view of computing resources) and an accurate estimate of the
thermal regime of one of the main nodes of the OECS. The novelty of the methodology consists in the sequential use of software packages "ANSYS" and "ASONIKA-TM"
to calculate the temperature field that arises when the device is operating. The calculation result in "ANSYS" is used as a boundary condition of the first kind
for calculation in "ASONIKA-TM".
Keywords: heat processes, heat exchange, control system, launch vehicle, finite element method, FEM, ANSYS, ASONIKA-TM.