Разработка имитационной модели транспортных потоков на перекрестке улично-дорожной сети
Основной целью работы является моделирование работы перекрёстка, на основе взаимосвязи основных ее элементов, анализ степени загруженности трафика в определённом промежутке времени. Для выявления слабых мест, были использованы методы логического анализа, а также применены навыки владения ведущим инструментом имитационного моделирования – программным обеспечением AnyLogic, на основе которого была создана модель перекрестка.
The main purpose of the work is to simulate the operation of the intersection, based on the relationship of its main elements, the analysis of the degree of traffic congestion in a certain period of time. To identify weaknesses, logical analysis methods were used, as well as the skills of the leading simulation tool – AnyLogic software, on the basis of which the intersection model was created, were applied.
The main purpose of the work is to simulate the operation of the intersection, based on the relationship of its main elements, the analysis of the degree of traffic congestion in a certain period of time. To identify weaknesses, logical analysis methods were used, as well as the skills of the leading simulation tool – AnyLogic software, on the basis of which the intersection model was created, were applied.