Разработка прототипа сервиса проверки клиентов по Перечню в целях ПОД/ФТ
Проведение проверок клиентов по Перечню в целях ПОД/ФТ является обязательной процедурой компаний, работающих в сфере финансов. Цель данной работы - разработка прототипа сервиса проверки клиентов по Перечню в целях ПОД/ФТ. В ходе работы был создан прототип сервиса для проведения проверок клиентов по Перечню, который предоставляет удобный API для простоты интегрирования в инфраструктуру компаний. Его основу составляет разработанный алгоритм, временные затраты на выполнение которого были уменьшены в 200 раз в сравнении с существующим аналогом.
Conducting customer checks on the List for AML/CFT purposes is a mandatory procedure for companies working in the field of finance. The purpose of this work is to develop a prototype of a customer verification service according to the List for AML/CFT purposes. In the course of the work, a prototype of the service was created for conducting customer checks on the List, which provides a convenient API for ease of integration into the infrastructure of companies. It is based on the developed algorithm, the time spent on the completion of which has been reduced by 200 times in comparison with the existing analogue.
Conducting customer checks on the List for AML/CFT purposes is a mandatory procedure for companies working in the field of finance. The purpose of this work is to develop a prototype of a customer verification service according to the List for AML/CFT purposes. In the course of the work, a prototype of the service was created for conducting customer checks on the List, which provides a convenient API for ease of integration into the infrastructure of companies. It is based on the developed algorithm, the time spent on the completion of which has been reduced by 200 times in comparison with the existing analogue.