Анализ динамических характеристик элементов трубопроводных систем высотных зданий
Научный доклад посвящен проблеме возникновения шума и вибрации от трубопроводных систем высотных жилых зданий. Предложен способ определения вероятности возникновения повышенных вибраций с помощью модального анализа в программном комплексе ANSYS. Представлены результаты численного анализа влияния длины, диаметра и толщины стенки участка трубопровода на изменение значений частот его собственных колебаний с целью прогноза риска возможных резонансных режимов. Получены уравнения регрессии, описывающие функциональную связь между первой частотой собственных колебаний и геометрическими характеристиками (длиной, диаметром, толщиной стенки) прямолинейного участка трубопровода. Оценена адекватность и эффективность разработанной аналитической модели. Выполнено экспериментальное исследование виброакустических характеристик сложной трубопроводной системы пространственной конфигурации, построены виброакустические спектры
The scientific report is devoted to the problem of noise and vibration from pipeline systems of high-rise residential buildings. A method for determining the probability of occurrence of increased vibrations using modal analysis software complex ANSYS is proposed. The results of a numerical analysis of the influence of the length, diameter and wall thickness of a pipeline section on the change in the values of the frequencies of its natural vibrations are presented in order to predict the risk of possible resonance modes. Regression equations that describe the functional relationship between the first frequency of natural vibrations and the geometric characteristics (length, diameter, wall thickness) of a straight section of the pipeline are obtained. The adequacy and effectiveness of the developed analytical model is assessed. An experimental study of the vibroacoustic characteristics of a complex pipeline system of spatial configuration has been carried out, vibroacoustic spectra have been constructed
The scientific report is devoted to the problem of noise and vibration from pipeline systems of high-rise residential buildings. A method for determining the probability of occurrence of increased vibrations using modal analysis software complex ANSYS is proposed. The results of a numerical analysis of the influence of the length, diameter and wall thickness of a pipeline section on the change in the values of the frequencies of its natural vibrations are presented in order to predict the risk of possible resonance modes. Regression equations that describe the functional relationship between the first frequency of natural vibrations and the geometric characteristics (length, diameter, wall thickness) of a straight section of the pipeline are obtained. The adequacy and effectiveness of the developed analytical model is assessed. An experimental study of the vibroacoustic characteristics of a complex pipeline system of spatial configuration has been carried out, vibroacoustic spectra have been constructed