Оценка безопасности гибкого висячего мостового перехода для аммиакопровода через реку Днепр
Целью магистерской диссертации является оценка безопасности гибкого висячего мостового перехода для аммиакопровода через реку Днепр. В работе проанализированы нормативно-правовые документы, рассмотрены отечественные статьи по теме исследования, собраны и проанализированы статические данные по авариям на схожих объектах, собраны исходные данные для расчета напряженно-деформированного состояния конструкций и выполнен непосредственно сам расчет в ПК «ЛИРА-САПР 2016» в некоммерческой версии. Далее было проведено диагностирование состояния конструкций вантового перехода и произведен расчет напряженно-деформированного состояния с учетом новых данных, сделаны соответствующие выводы и приведены мероприятия, направленные на снижение риска обрушения вантовых конструкций.
The purpose of the master's thesis is to assess the safety of a suspension bridge for an ammonia pipeline across the Dniep River. In the work, regulatory documents were analyzed, domestic articles on the research topic were reviewed, static data on accidents at similar facilities were analyzed, initial data for calculating the stress-strain state were collected and the calculation in the LIRA-SAPR 2016 software package in a non-commercial version was performed. After this, the state of the cable-stayed transition structures was diagnosed, and the stress-strain state was calculated taking into account the new data. The corresponding conclusions were drawn, measures aimed at reducing the risk of collapse of cable-stayed structures were given.
The purpose of the master's thesis is to assess the safety of a suspension bridge for an ammonia pipeline across the Dniep River. In the work, regulatory documents were analyzed, domestic articles on the research topic were reviewed, static data on accidents at similar facilities were analyzed, initial data for calculating the stress-strain state were collected and the calculation in the LIRA-SAPR 2016 software package in a non-commercial version was performed. After this, the state of the cable-stayed transition structures was diagnosed, and the stress-strain state was calculated taking into account the new data. The corresponding conclusions were drawn, measures aimed at reducing the risk of collapse of cable-stayed structures were given.