Проблемы кадастровой оценки земельных участков на примерах оспаривания кадастровой стоимости в рамках Уральского региона

Овчинников Иван Владимирович


The theme of this final qualifying work is as follows: way: "Problems of cadastral valuation of land plots on examples disputing the cadastral value within the Ural region".
The object of the study of the work are the methods for determining, creation and contestation of cadastral value.
The subject of the study is the practice of challenging cadastral in particular, in Russia and the Urals.
The purpose of the work is to identify shortcomings in the public system cadastral assessment, development of recommendations for their solution.
Qualification work of graduates consists of the introduction of three chapters and List of used literature.
In the first chapter the conceptual apparatus of the state cadastral valuation, the domestic and foreign experience of evaluation is summarized land for taxation. A definition is also being developed cadastral value in substance.
The second chapter of the document analyzes the practice of challenging cadastral value in commissions and courts. The order of such is experiencing. Users describe the difficulties faced by users of land plots. The results of the competition on cadastral value in commissions and courts in Russia and the Urals.
The third chapter is devoted to the description of the shortcomings of the legislative and by-laws in the field of cadastral valuation. Developed by recommendations for improving the procedure for state cadastral valuation.