Теплоснабжение микрорайона в г. Екатеринбурге
В моем дипломном проекте была произведена реконструкция участка тепловых сетей г. Екатеринбурга. Был произведен расчет помесячной нагрузки потребителей для подбора более эффективного оборудования. Были построены пьезометрические графики на основании которых был проведен гидравлический расчет для подбора оптимальных диаметров трубопроводов. По результатам гидравлического расчета был произведен расчет непроходных каналов тепловых сетей, тепловых камер и элементов тепловых сетей. В дополнение к основным расчетам были рассмотрены вопросы экологии в разрезе рекультивации земель.
In my diploma project, the reconstruction of the section of the thermal networks of Yekaterinburg was carried out. Calculation of monthly load of consumers for selection of more effective equipment was made. Piezometric graphs were constructed on the basis of which hydraulic calculations were carried out to select the optimal diameters of pipelines. The results of the hydraulic calculation calculations were made impassable channels, heating systems, heating chambers and elements of heat networks. In addition to the basic calculations, the issues of ecology in the context of land reclamation were considered.
In my diploma project, the reconstruction of the section of the thermal networks of Yekaterinburg was carried out. Calculation of monthly load of consumers for selection of more effective equipment was made. Piezometric graphs were constructed on the basis of which hydraulic calculations were carried out to select the optimal diameters of pipelines. The results of the hydraulic calculation calculations were made impassable channels, heating systems, heating chambers and elements of heat networks. In addition to the basic calculations, the issues of ecology in the context of land reclamation were considered.