Сосуществование разновременных градостроительных парадигм на примере города Еревана
На примере Еревана рассматриваются процессы трансформации городской ткани и городского каркаса, которые происходили в результате смены трёх архитектурно-градостроительных парадигм на протяжении ХХ века и породили ряд архитектурно-художественных конфликтов в городской среде. Смена архитектурно-градостроительных парадигм в СССР непосредственно отражалась на градостроительной структуре Еревана и породила разнообразные архитектурно-художественные градостроительные конфликты. Преодоление архитектурно-художественных конфликтов в пространстве города возможно, когда есть четкое понимание, на какой идеологической базе они возникли. Без такого понимания решения, которые принимаются по реконструкции, будут или частичными, или ошибочными.
By the example of Yerevan, the processes of transformation of the urban structure are considered, which occurred as a result of the change of three architectural and urban planning paradigms during the twentieth century and gave rise to a number of architectural and artistic conflicts in the urban environment. The change in the architectural and urban planning paradigms in the USSR was directly reflected in the urban planning structure of Yerevan and gave rise to various architectural and artistic urban planning conflicts. Overcoming architectural and artistic conflicts in the city is possible when there is a clear understanding of the ideological basis on which they arose. Without such an understanding, the decisions that are made on reconstruction will be either partial or erroneous.
By the example of Yerevan, the processes of transformation of the urban structure are considered, which occurred as a result of the change of three architectural and urban planning paradigms during the twentieth century and gave rise to a number of architectural and artistic conflicts in the urban environment. The change in the architectural and urban planning paradigms in the USSR was directly reflected in the urban planning structure of Yerevan and gave rise to various architectural and artistic urban planning conflicts. Overcoming architectural and artistic conflicts in the city is possible when there is a clear understanding of the ideological basis on which they arose. Without such an understanding, the decisions that are made on reconstruction will be either partial or erroneous.